Sunday, June 17, 2012

Diplomado en danza para la educacion La educación a través de la danza favorece y condiciona el aprendizaje la danza en el medio escolar aporta al educador una gran fuente de material de enseñanza que permite optimizar y también innovar en la educacion,abriendo un espacio para que niños y jóvenes se acerquen al campo de las artes. Este Diplomado pone al servicio de los bailarines, educadores maestros y asistentes educativos interesados en explorar las relaciones del movimiento como vehículo metodológico y de expresión, un sistema de trabajo, estudio y aprendizaje tendiente que facilitan una comprensión de los elementos que conforman todo fenómeno dancístico : el cuerpo, el espacio y el tiempo en todas sus potencialidades expresivas y su aplicación a actividades que desarrollen en sus alumnos la sensibilidad, el conocimiento, el aprecio y la capacidad de comunicar con su cuerpo y el movimiento expresivo. Planteamiento Metodológico General: El Diplomado estará dividido en 5 modulos de 6-10 horas de clases cada uno. . Plan de Estudio 1º Modulo Danza I Ballet Analisis de Formato AcondicionamientoDancistico Danza yCreatividad 2º Modulo Danza II Jazz Teatro Musical l Taller deCoreografia! Apreciación de la Danza prescolar 3º Modulo Danza III TAP Teatro Musical ll Taller deCoreografia!l Apreciación de la Danza primaria 4º Modulo Danza IV BELLYDANCE Taller de Improvisación Taller de Coreografia!ll Apreciación de la ritmoIogia aplicado a la danza 5º Modulo Danza V Pointe Produccion Escenica Planeacion de curriculum dancistico Dirigido a : Bailarines, docentes y egresados de estudios en Danza. Profesores de Educación física, Educación artística y Educación prescolar,primaria o secundaria. El proceso de admisión contempla pruebas de selección Fechas de modulos Modulo 1 Agosto 2012 Modulo 2 Septiembre 2012 Modulo 3 Octubre 2012 Modulo 4 Noviembre 2012 Modulo 5 Diciembre 2012 Practicas en Docencia------100hrs Tesina Examinacion y Certificacion Costo 1500.00 por cada modulo o 2500.00 cada modulo con clases extra curriculares Certficacion brindada por Danceme Academy impartido por L.CyP Martha E Duran
Cursos Intensivos de Verano 2012 Inscripcion $300pesos Costo Curso: llamanos para mas informacion Reserva tu lugar! Informes al Telefono 5546296 de Lunes a Jueves de 5pm a 8pm CUPO LIMITADO A 10 ALUMNOS POR GRUPO Algunos grupos ya llegaron a su maxima capacidad favor de llamar para mas informacion sobre grupos adicionales Gracias por su preferencia!
Cursos Intensivos en Tecnica Oriental diseñada para producir Bellydancers versatiles con excelente formacion en tecnica clasica del 13 al 16 de Agosto de 730a9pm Cupo limitado 10 alumnos Inscripciones Abiertas de lunes a jueves de 5a8pm Costo Total de Seminario $650.00 Certificacion incluida.
Seminario de Ballet ¨Tecnica Balanchine¨ del 13 al 16 de Agosto de 6a730pm Cupo limitado 10 alumnos Inscripciones Abiertas de lunes a jueves de 5a8pm Costo Total de Seminario $650.00 Certificacion Incluida
Inscribete Hoy a nuestro curso intensivo de verano 2012 ¨BootCamp Bellydance¨ disfruta de clases magistrales de lunes a jueves de 8pm a 9pm del 16 de Julio al 10 de Agosto, disfruta del Autentico arte de la Danza del vientre aprende a bailar como una Egipcia una Turca, conoce sobre desarrollo escenico y domina los fundamentos de la danza arabe, Cairo Style Bellydance, ,Fusiones como Bellynesian, Industrial aprende a bailar con Espadas, Fuego, Velos y diversos Props como toda una Bellydancer profesional.Las clases son impartidas por la Multigalardonada maestra Martha Duran ganadora del premio Badiaa Masabni y nombrada representante de la Danza Arabe de Mexico para Gilded Serpent Magazine. BAILA todo este verano en Danceme!
Curso intensivo de verano para niñas de 2a4 años de edad ¨Introduccion al Ballet¨ Curso de Introduccon al Ballet exclusivamente para niñas de 2 a 4 años de edad Clases enfocadas a desarrollar a la alumna mediante ejercicios psicomotrices basicos, musicalizacion, expresion corporal y creatividad todo dentro de clases tematicas que motivan a la alumna a participar en clase ,desarrollando su capacidad de enfoque y elevando su autoestima preparandolas para ingresar al Programa Academico de Educacion Continua de Danceme Academy. Inscripciones Abiertas

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

9th Danceme Bellydance Intensive....Talleres de Bellydance con Leyla Jouvana , Roland y Dilek of Turkey

Leyla Jouvana & Roland
Duisburg, Germany
Leyla descubrió su amor por la danza oriental después del Folklor Yugoslavo y Danza Jazz. Después de estudiar doce años danza, ahora enseña a unos 300 estudiantes en su escuela, desde principiantes hasta profesional. Su reputación como bailarina ha llegado a un amplio público a través de numerosos espectáculos nacionales e internacionales, numerosos desplegados en prensa, apariciones en televisión y producciones de vídeo. Junto con su esposo el Percusionista Roland y su compañia de Danza, viaja regularmente a diversos paises brindando Talleres y Espectaculos en todo el mundo. De acuerdo con diversas revistas especializadas y prensa local, Leyla JOuvana es una de los Mejores Bellydancers de más éxito y considerada de los mejores coreógrafos en Europa.
No te pierdas de Leyla Jouvana y Roland, y la maravillosa Dilek Bellydancer de Turquia quienes estaran brindando talleres de Danza Oriental en¨ 9th Danceme Bellydance Intensive¨ el 5 de septiembre de 2011 en Mexicali Baja California México @ Hotel Araiza Inn, costo total por workshops con Leyla y Dilek 85dllrs antes del 15 de julio Reserva tu lugar! Para registrarse en el workshop de Percusion con Roland escribenos a nuestro correo electrónico

Prohibida la reproducción total y/o parcial de nuestro contenido, formato, redacción, imagen y diseño información y publicidad impresa ó por otros medios impresos y/o cibernéticos.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

SuperIntensivo de Fusion Bellydance en Danceme Academy con Niral Basave y Samirah Rambel

Maestras si registran 7 alumnos de su escuela su lugar es GRATIS! promocion valida antes del 28 de Marzo del 2011!
Si deseas adquirir VOI (pois) el costo es de 35dllrs (adquierelos con tiempo)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Taller de Bellydance con Leyla Jouvana Y Roland en Mexicali BC Mexico presentado por Danceme Academy

Leyla Jouvana y Roland estara realizand su Tour Por America
3 y 4 de Septiembre en San Diego California
5 de Septiembre en Mexicali Baja California

Inscribete en los Workshops, Intesivos y Clases Privadas para Maestras con Leyla Jouvana

Informes en Danceme Academy
Danceme Academy Brindando lo mejor en Educacion y Siempre en Primera Posicion

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Martha Duran Promotora de la Danza en Mexicali....Reportaje en Peridico La Cronica de BC

Renocida como la Pionera de la Danza Arabe Oriental en Mexicali otorgando una completa y vasta educacion en el arte del Bellydance desde 1992

Directora de Danceme Academy de Mexicali Ganadora de Mejor Escuela de Mexico 2009, Mejor Escuela Nacional 2010 premios otorgados por IMCADH AC en el Congreso Internacional de Danza Divine Dance Night en la Cd de Tijuana BC

Martha Duran Ganadora del Premio Badiaa Masabni 2010

Orgullo Cachanilla!

Danceme Academy Brindando lo mejor en Educacion y Siempre en Primera Posicion!

Lee el reportaje en periodico La Cronica de hoy Domingo 12 de Septiembre 2010

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Vima T Canas at Danceme Dance intensive Mexicali B.C 4 & 5 December 2009

Born and Raised in El Salvador Residente de Hollywood Ca Vilma is a Professional Dancer and instructor in schools like Debbie Reynolds Studio and the International renowned school of Adam Basma where she Teaches Bellydance , Salsa Samba and Rhumba. She was introduced to this art at the age of 15 with teachers like Randa Kamal, Adam Basma, Tito from Egypt,Dina of Egypt, Bozenka,Jillina, Fathiem,Leila of Cairo just to name a few.

Shes a well known Samba dancer you can see her performances in several Hollywood films like the next to be released Brasil.

Vilma is a very popular Dance Professional among the dance comunity she is a great dance competitor in every Dance convention and competition she participates she always gets 1st place.
With her distinguished Classical Egyptian style she has obtained titles from competitions like Beirut Nights Competition,Bellydancer of the Universe,Racks Divine09 among other well known conventions.

Vilma has danced and teached around the world from Canada , El Salvador, Mexico, San Francisco,Las Vegas, USA.

Dance Master, Choreographer and Designer, Vilma has designed for stars like Bellydance Superstars, Bellydanceme,Bellytwins,Flowers of the Desert,Adore,Victoria and many more Soloists.

Her Talent and Creativity shine thru Vilma Star Designs captivating her audiences with Elegance, Passion, Technique and among all her Love to her Dance.
Vilma T Canas is a distinguished instructor in Latin Rhythims, speacilizes in Private coaching for couples who are getting ready for Ballroom Competitions.
She mastered several styles of Dance such as Rhumba,Samba,Salsa,Tango,Oriental Dance, Persian,Midlle Eastern Folk,and Egyptian Oriental Dance.

Vilma will be performing in Mexicali Baja California Mexico at Danceme Academy´s 6th Danceme Dance Convention and Showcase Gala this 4th of December 2009.

She will be offering Workshops and Private instruction on December 5th 2009 in Mexicali Baja California at Hotel Calafia.
Tickets and Registration at and

Friday, November 13, 2009

6to Danceme Dance Intensive ofrecera un Seminario con Sabor Latino y mas...

6to Danceme Dance Intensive ofrecera un Deminario con Sabor Latino y mas...

Este 5 de Dicembre se ofreceran 2 seminarios bajo la instruccion
dela Bailarina Profesional y Maestra multigalardonada

Vilma T Canas

Seminario de Bellydance Estilo Clasico Egipcio
5 de Diciembre 2009
12pm a 4pm

Seminario con Sabor Latino
5 de Diciembre 2009
430pm a 730

Cupo Limitado

Informes e Inscripciones en

Reserva Tu lugar hoy no te quedes Fuera!!
Pregunta por nuestras promociones

Danceme Academy Brndando la Mejor Educacion y Siempre en Primera Posicion!!!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Estas cansada de Bailar Bellydance siempre de la misma forma? Llevas Meses...a�os bailando Bellydance y nunca haz bailado con espada..alas de isis...doble velo? Es tiempo de Evolucionar

Danceme Academy impartira este 7y8 de noviembre dos Seminarios Intensivos de Bellydance con Props , tecnicas y coreografia con Espada, Alas de Isis, Doble Velo, Alas de Isis, Velas,Zeffa , Zills y Shamadan.... primera fecha Sabado Noviembre 7 Agotados los lugares!!!!.....Quedan dos lugares en Domingo 8 de Noviembre!!!!! Llamanos o escribenos a y reserva tu lugar.....
No tienes espada? no tienes los props? no te preocupes Danceme Academy te proporcionara los props para que puedas Disfrutar de tu Seminario!!

Se Brindara certificacion con valor escalafonario para Diplomado en Docencia en Danza Oriental.

Solo 2 lugares!! Apresurate!!!
Danceme Academy brindado la mejor Educacion y Siempre en Primera Posicion!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Seminarios De Bellydance con Props en Danceme Academy

Martha Duran Directora General de Danceme Academy recibio Reconocimiento como la Mejor Escuela de Mexico el pasado 30 de Agosto 2009 otorgado por el Instituto Mexicano del Cultura Arte y desarrollo Humano A.C.

BootCamp Bellydance


Espada*Alas de Isis*Velas*Candelabro*Doble Velo*Zills

�Estas cansada de Bailar Bellydance siempre de la misma forma?

�Llevas meses ,a�os bailando Belly y nunca haz bailado con props?

es tiempo de EVOLUCIONAR

Asiste a nuestra serie de Seminarios donde aprenderas

*Bellydance con Props (Espada,Zills, Alas de Isis,doble velo,velas,Candelabro)

*Tecnica de Bellydance y vocabulario (nombres de los pasos)

*Ritmos Arabes y pasos adecuadospara cada ritmo

*10 estilos diferentes de Bellydance(Egipcio,Turco,Gypsy,Tribal,Cabaret....)

*Como montar una coreografia de Bellydance

*Desarrollo escenico para Bellydancers

costo $75dllrs

7 y 8 d e Noviembre 2009

Cupo Limitado

Abierto a toda la comunidad de Bellydancers !

Danceme Academy es reconocido por sus mas de 10 a�os de formar generaciones de excelentes Bailarinas y Maestras versatiles.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Danceme Academy y Martha Duran galardonaados como La Mejor escuela de baile de Mexico..

Un agradecimiento al Instituto Mexicano de Cultura Arte y Desarrollo Humano por el reconocimiento brindado el pasado mes de Agosto 2009 en la ciudad de Tijuana Baja California Mexico y al comite organizador de Racks Divine 09 por brindarnos dicho galardon.

Es un honor el brindarnos este gran reconocimiento para todos los que formamos parte de Danceme Academy, en este mes de octubre celebramos 30 a�os de estudios experienciasy ense�anzas en el mundo de la danza, y gracias a todos los que han brindado su apoyo moral y espritual continuaremos Dancing unos 50 a�os mas!

A todos Gracias por hacer este 10mo aniversario de Danceme tan maravillosos, estos 30 a�os en la danza tan especiales y fortalecedores, estos 18 a�os como Maestra de danza definitivamente unos a�os inolvidables y gracias por este galardon que vienen a brindarnos una maravillosa coronacion en el medio de la danza que gracias al esfuerzo al desempe�o de todos y cada uno de sus alumnos han logrado tan valioso reconocimiento.

Felicitaciones a todos y Gracias !!!!

Habibi Hafla! en Mexicali

Bazar de Bellydance Vendimia y show!!!

Boletos a la venta en Danceme Academy!!!

Brindando lo mejor en educacion y siempre en primera posicion!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Tribalution! El primer Semiario de Tribal Fuson Bellydance en Mexicali Baja Callifornia

Este Proximo Domingo 4 de Octubre se llevara a cabo EL PRIMER SEMINARIO DE TRIBAL FUSION EN MEXICALI


por Desiree of Mexico

Apartir de los 5 a�os incursion� en el ambiente de la danza form�ndose en danzas polinesias: hawaiano y tahitiano, folkclor mexicano, jazz, danza moderna, hip hop, ballet, y como porrista para posteriormente dedicarse completamente a las DANZAS ARABES inici�ndo su entrenamiento localmente en ambos lados de la frontera para despu�s fortalecer sus conocimientos con seminarios intensivos con maestros y bailarines internacionales como:

***ANSUYA Bellydance Supertar, Miami, USA;


***RACHEL BRICE, San Francisco, USA;


***AMIR THALEB, Argentina;

***OSVALDO BRANDAN, Argentina;

***FATHIEM, Argentina;

***AMAR, International mexican bellydancer;


***ANGY NAJLA, Venezuela;


***TITO SEIF, Egipto;

***LEILA FARID, Egipto;

Adem�s, ha alimentado sus conocimientos en danza tomando cursos intensivos de Flamenco, danza africana, afrocubana, ritmos latinos, yoga, pilates y expresi�n teatral; as� como streetdances de forma autodid�cta.

Abogada titulada con Licenciatura en Derecho

por la Universidad Aut�noma de Baja California, 2005.

Resaltando su arte en diversos espacios como:


Plaza Monumental

El Foro Antiguo Jai Alai (Gran Gala con Renata Lobo de Brasil)

Foro Los Arcos en Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco. (Gala Oriental con Amir Thaleb y Osvaldo Brandan de Argentina)

CECUT (D�a Internacional de la Danza)

Multiforo del ICBC*

Explanada del ICBC*

Teatro Casa de la Cultura Tijuana*

Teatro Municipal en Ensenada, BC.

Teatro UABC campus Tecate, BC

Teatro del Estado en Mexicali, BC

Teatro Ruben Vizcaino UABC campus Tijuana*

Explanada Hip�dromo

Colegio Baja California*

Colegio Familia

Academia Yezzie Dance

Gran Hotel Tijuana

Hotel Corona Plaza en Rosarito, BC

Hotel Camino Real

Hotel Real del R�o (Gala con Ricardo Al Rachid de Coahuila.)

Hotel Holiday Inn Pueblo Amigo (Convenci�n Nacional de Logias Mas�nicas)

Hotel Marriot (Gran Gala Danzas Arabes con Leila de Egipto)

Discoteque Balak (Openings)*

Lounge Trez (Opening a grupo Kinky)

Tarros y Jarras en Plaza Fiesta*

Monte Picacho en Plaza del Sol

La Escala Rock Bar

Antigua Bodega de Papel*

El Lugar del Nopal (junto a ensamble MIddle Earth de San Diego, USA)*

Restaurante 100 a�os (fiesta privada Libanesa)

Restaurant Palma Azul

Restaurant La Escondida (Evento a Beneficio Asociaci�n Altruista)

Restaurant Dimitris

Caf� M�stico*

Sal�n Social Edificio Haffer

Sal�n Social La Candelaria (Evento a Beneficio Asociaci�n Altruista)

Kermesse Anual Seminario

Teatro de la Ciudad, Ensenada, B.C. (Gala con Mtro. Osvaldo Brandan y Brian Brandan de Argentina)



Gran Gala de Estrellas de Racks Divine Agosto, 2009

Teatro Centro Universitario Cultural, cd. de M�xico Sept. 2009 (apertura junto a Virginia de Miami a ceremonia de premiaci�n de 4to Concurso Nacional de Bellydance producido por Mar�a Shazadi)

*En m�ltiples ocasiones.


Claire de Lune en San Diego, USA (m�sica en vivo con el gran John Bilezekjian, Dave Dhillon y Frank Lazzaro)

Red Lions Hanalei Hotel en San Diego, USA (compartiendo escenario con Aziza Racks de Canad�)

BEDOUIN BAZAAR 2007 en San Diego, USA.

BEDOUIN BAZAAR 2008 en San Diego, USA.


SAMEDA FAIR 2007 en San Diego, CA. (compartiendo escenario Rachel Brice, Angelika Nemeth y Sahra Saaeda)

SAMEDA FAIR 2008 en San Diego, USA (compartiendo escenario con Rania y Rachel George)

SAMEDA FAIR 2009 en San Diego, USA (compartiendo escenario con Atlantis y Steven Eggers)

Scottish Rite Center en San Diego, USA "Tito Seif SoCal Tour Gala"*

Hajibaba's Lounge/Restaurant en San Diego, CA

Troy's Greek Restaurant en San Diego, CA

McMillen Dance Center NTC Promonade Dance Place, San Diego, CA

Teatro Don Bosco en Caracas, VENEZUELA

Restaurant Damasco en Caracas, VENEZUELA

Hotel Hilton en Isla de Margarita, VENEZUELA

Centro Cultural "Teresa Carre�o" en Caracas, VENEZUELA

Academia "Samara Khamal" en Caracas, VENEZUELA

Academia Integral de Artes, "Angy Najla" en Isla de Margarita, VENEZUELA

*En m�ltiples ocasiones.


TV Azteca Canal 21

Televisa Canal 12

Peri�dico "El Mexicano"*

Peri�dico "El Frontera"*

Chat "El Frontera"

Peri�dico Sol de Tijuana

UPN Televisi�n

Stylo - Es m�s Revista

Racks Sharki Revista Nacional Mexicana

Raqs Sharki de USA


Esencia Arabe Revista de ARGENTINA*


Acreedora al Reconocimiento Nacional "Badiaa Masabni " que el Instituto Mexicano de Cultura, Artes y Desarrollo Humano, AC otorga anualmente por su trayectoria, promoci�n, difusi�n y esfuerzo a una maestra de MEXICO. (Mayo 2007)

Reconocimiento Internacional por parte de la Academia Integral de Artes "ANGY NAJLA" por promover y difundir la danza arabe tanto en M�xico como el resto de Latinoam�rica al organizar el 2do Concurso Internacional de Bellydance BELLY RACKS 2008. (Marzo 2008)

Reconocimiento Nacional a Desire� Dance Studio por promover y difundir el arte de la danza arabe otorgado por la Convenci�n Nacional de Logias Mas�nicas (Abril 2008)

Reconocimiento como Invitada Internacional para formar parte del Jurado dentro del 2do Concurso Nacional de Danzas Arabes y Fusion "ANGY NAJLA" en Caracas, VENEZUELA. (Agosto 2008)


Jurado dentro de "Srita. Prepa Juan Escutia 2008" (Mayo 2008)

Jurado Internacional dentro del 2do Concurso Nacional de Danzas Arabes y Fusion "ANGY NAJLA" en Caracas, VENEZUELA junto a personalidades como Andreina Cabrera, Omar el Khabir, Noura, Yllen Sanchez. (Agosto 2008)

Jurado dentro del Concurso Estatal "Miss Bellydance 2008" en la ciudad de Ensenada. B. C. junto a personalidades como Mtro. Osvaldo Brandan, Brian Brandan, Niral Zahira y Ana Goebel. (Octubre 2008)

Jurado dentro de la 4ta edici�n del "Concurso Nacional Bellydance" en la cd. de M�xico producido por Mar�a Shazadi al lado de personalidades como Virginia de Miami, Maria Shazadi del DF, Nelly Serrano de Jalisco, Jassiba y Samira Vazquez del DF. (Sept 2009)

entre otros ...

Como Directora de su grupo de Producciones ZAID MAYA, nos ha presentado:

Producci�n de "Mahaila Bellydance" Diciembre 2006 Clausura Fin de Ciclo y Show
Producci�n de "BELLY RACKS 2007" Primer Concurso Internacional de Belly Dance en M�xico.
Producci�n de "Arabesco" Diciembre 2007 Clausura Fin de Ciclo y Show de Desire� Dance Studio.
Producci�n de "BELLY RACKS 2008" 2do Concurso Internacional de Belly Dance en M�xico.
Producci�n de 2 Seminarios Intensivos en Desire� Dance Studio con la Internacional maestra y danzarina: Angy Najla de VENEZUELA.
Producci�n de "Racks Sarab" Julio 2008 Clausura Fin de Ciclo y Show de Desire� Dance Studio.
Producci�n de "Tribalution" Evoluci�n de la Danza Tribal (serie de seminarios), haciendo gira durante Agosto 2008 en VENEZUELA.
Producci�n de "F�tima y sus cuentos de Arabia" Diciembre 2008 Primer Gran Gala Anual de Desire� Dance Studio
Creadora y Fundadora junto con la mtra. Niral de "Baja Belly Group" Primer Grupo Profesional que reune a 7 maestras prestigiadas del Estado de Baja California, Septiembre 2008
Adem�s, Desire� fue creadora y moderadora del grupo de internet, dedicado a las Danzas Arabes y su cultura, con mas miembros a nivel nacional y latinoam�rica, extendi�ndose hasta Espa�a. hasta que MSN oficialmente decidi� cancelar tales grupos en Febrero 2009.
Producci�n de Master Class "Aire y Movimiento" con mtra. Samirah integrante de Baja Belly Group, en Desire� Dance Studio.
Producci�n de "Oriental Nights" show de Desire� Dance Studio llevado a cabo en Abril y Junio 2009.
Organizaci�n de "Tardeanzando" Tardeada de Danza para el p�blico en general en Desire� Dance Studio Junio 2009
Co-producci�n de Producciones Zaid Maya, Desire� Dance Studio con IMCADH AC y Niral para conjuntamente presentar RACKS DIVINE 2009 Convenci�n Internacional de Danzas Orientales en M�xico, fusionando ambos grandes eventos que individualmente cada una produce de manera anual. BELLY RACKS y Divine Dance Night , Agosto 2009.
3ra edici�n de BELLY RACKS Concurso Internacional de Bellydance, Agosto 2009.
Seminario Intensivo a cargo de la mtra. Angy Najla de Venezuela (29 y 30 de Agosto 2009)


Actualmente Desire� disfruta de fusionar las danzas �rabes y al hacerlo ha creando un estilo �nico y original que es derivado del American Tribal Style creado por Carolena Nericcio y del Tribal Fusion creado por Jill Parker y popularizado por Rachel Brice; este estilo es influenciado principalmente por el Bellydance, por danzas de la India, danzas de Asia, danzas modernas (o street dance) como: breakdance, hip-hop, popping y krumping (South L.A.) as� como con artes marciales asi�ticas dando lugar a una mixtura que ella ha creado y presentado en Octubre de 2006 y formalmente en el evento "Raks Mahaila" en Diciembre de 2006, para llamarla:


Ya que cuenta con certificado de 1st Kyu por medio de "International Seito Karate-Do Association" (sede en Okinawa, Jap�n), e imparti� clases dentro del estilo Shito-Ryu y Ryu Ei Ryu en DOJO KARATE-DO escuela de artes marciales que estableci� al lado de su familia por casi 8 a�os. (armas de especializaci�n: sai y bo)

    Sunday, September 6, 2009

    Diplomado en Docencia para La Danza Oriental

    Diplomado ¨ Docencia para la danza oriental¨


    La importancia del acondicionamiento físico
    Acondicionamiento físico
    Yoga para la danza

    La alimentación en la danza

    Técnica de danzas con velos
    Técnica para la danza con alas de Isis
    Técnica para la danza con percusiones
    Ritmologia básica
    Técnica para la danza con bastones
    Técnica para la danza egipcia

    Elaboración de vestuario
    Diseño de vestuario
    Desarrollo escénico
    La elección del nombre
    Perfil del personaje
    Docencia de la danza
    Montaje de espectáculo

    Costo $1000.00M.N cada modulo total 4 módulos
    Fechas de modulos
    Modulo 1 Septiembre 26 y 27 2009 costo $1000.00M.N
    Modulo 2 Octubre 17 y 18 2009 costo $1000.00M.N
    Modulo 3 Abril 2010 costo $1000.00 M.N
    Modulo 4 Mayo 2010 costo$1000.00 M.N
    Certficacion brindada por el IMCADH A.C avalada por Instituto Mexicano de Cultura y por el Conaculta
    Diplomado Impartido por Niral Basave y Samirah Rambel

    Tuesday, September 1, 2009

    Tribal Fusion Bellydance Fest

    Tribal Fusion BellydanceFest 2009

    Invitamos a todas las Bellydancers a registrarse en este espacio abierto a toda la comunidad, un espacio para expresar tu propio estilo de bellydance.

    Participantes recibiran premios de nuestros patrocinadores

    Asistentes tendran la oprtunidad de disfrutar de los seminarios y talleres:

    Fundamentos de la danza Tribal

    Historia y Evolucion de la Danza Tribal
    Combinaciones y Secuencias de la Danza Tribal

    9 estilos de la Danza Tribal

    Improvisacion en la Danza

    Ritmologia Basica para Bellydancers y Zills

    Folklor Egipcio Terminologia Basica

    Tribal Fusion Bellydance: fusionada con Tecnica de la Danza India (Kathak yBharata Natyam )

    Danza Gitana

    Tendremos Bazar con venta de accesorios para la danza y Hafla!

    Reserva tu lugar

    Inscripcion para concursantes $100.00 M.N

    Inscripcion para espacio Vendors $250.00M.N

    Para costos de paquetes de Seminarios y Talleres escrbenos a o llamanos al telefono 686-5546296

    Tuesday, May 26, 2009

    Curso de verano 2009 en Danceme Academy

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    Tuesday, March 10, 2009

    Article of Bellydance Hitory in Mexico from Gided serpent

    Gilded Serpent presents...

    Its All in the Flavor!
    Bellydancing in Mexico
    by Martha Duran
    posted March 2009

    Mexico – a place full of cultural treasures, a place full of magic and charm. You feel this as you walk along the streets of Mexico, admire its world heritage sites, and marvel at the impressive architecture. You can dance along its pre-Hispanic and colonial past.

    So when did Mexicans started dancing something other than our own dances?

    Dance in Mexico is the most direct and loyal expression of the evolution of our country. Don Porfirio Diaz who was president in 1877, promised to establish a pure and rich Mexican culture. In 1910, there was a social explosion turning our society, military, and commerce into a spectacle and producing legends out of our governors. As a result, our ceremonies, parades, restaurants, and of course, our dancing was transformed, thanks to the foreign elements the time of change introduced to our country. We imported operas but adapted them to our popular songs and languages—injected with our spontaneous humor and lively music and dance.

    While dance is considered one of our ancestral practices, it wasn’t until the 1940s that dance formally incorporated dance techniques developed in foreign countries. From Mazurkas to Ballroom dances, our dance styles were enriched with multicultural styles without sacrificing our folkloric heritage.

    Musicians and muralists influenced and inspired choreographers of the 1920s with the fashionable elements of that time. From the 1930s to the ‘40s, Mexicans rejected Classical dance because of its poor relationship to our national spirit. Between the ‘40s and ‘50s, Folk dancing was performed in stadiums where hundreds of ladies performed with ruffled skirts decorated with luxurious braiding.

    Through art, the people of Mexico learned about their economic situation, their ancestral oppression and what they could do to change their situation.

    Amalia Aguilar & Germán Valdés in 1949
    Through the years, soloists like Nellie Campobello, Gloria Campobello, Dora Duby and dancer Xenia Zarina, performed Experimental Ballet and Modern Dance. Xenia Zarina performed Interpretative Dance and Oriental Dance for the first time in Mexico. March of 1936 marked the introduction of Oriental Dance into Mexico; ever multicultural, it was very common to see versatile dancers on television, in the movies, and on stages across the country.

    As a Bellydancer for more than 29 years, I reach back in history and remember my first taste of Bellydancing on national and international television. I remember watching movies on local channels such as ¨1001 Nights¨ featuring German Valdes, ¨Tin Tan¨, and Maria Antonieta, with simple Bellydancing and beautiful costuming.

    On the ABC network, a Three’s Company episode ¨Good Old Reliable Janet ¨ featured Nadia Caillou as a special guest performer in a restaurant scene (episode 2, season 3) aired on September 19,1978. I blame her for my love of Bellydance! The way she twirled around the tables, the sound of her cymbals, her simple and intricate movements made me long to do the same.

    There were absolutely no Bellydance classes around my hometown! My mom remembers bumping into a Bellydancer in the early ‘80s up north, in Los Angeles, when visiting my aunt’s house for the summer, where she signed me up for my dance classes. Back home, I had started in Ballet and Tap Dance, and I remember clearly the joy of my first Bellydancing class—the jingling of my teacher’s hip scarf, and the most exciting music I have ever heard filling the room with drum beats. There was enough space to visualize myself as that beautiful dancer with a flowing red and black skirt I had seen on television.

    Years went by and I continued visiting my aunt and uncle’s homes for long, dance-filled summer vacations. I couldn’t get Oriental classes here in Mexico; so I had to go to the United States. Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Indio (all in California) were among the cities that gave me the opportunity to experience Bellydancing with some of today’s renowned Bellydance teachers.

    When did the Bellydance boom hit our country? It was back in 1992 when children in Mexico fell in love with Disney’s animated movie, “Aladdin”. I participated as a choreographer for a local elementary school; our rehearsals started in 1993, and the show was presented onstage in Mexicali, Baja California, months later. After that, we formed a small Oriental dance group with children between 6 and 9 years of age. Classes took place at an art center; well, perhaps it was more of an extra room in a piano teacher’s expansive home. Children kept coming and going, but officially, they were learning about Bellydance and its culture at a glance. Some parents were familiar with the dance style because of the pop music legends of the ‘80s and ‘90s—like Madonna, Michael Jackson and The Bangles who used a interpretation of Pharonic Egyptian dance.

    In 1998, Bellydancers who danced like Shakira became as popular as dancers of any other dance form. Classrooms were full to their maximum capacities, and waiting lists grew for selected schools that offered Bellydance classes in Mexico, from Mexicali in Baja California to Mexico City.

    There were no more than 5 Bellydance teachers in the country teaching Middle Eastern dance. Among them were: Maria Shazadi, Marla de La Vega, Niral, Samirah Vazquez, and me, Martha Duran.

    Those were tough times for us teachers. Students were very shy in the classroom but eager to learn; some of them even thought that Shakira had created Bellydance! They didn’t have much information about Oriental Dance, its origins, or different styles. Some aspiring dancers even sat through several classes just to check out what Bellydance was or if we teachers danced it as well as Shakira.

    On several occasions, I remember having teachers from other schools visit my classes to analyze the structure of the class. They asked: “How can you teach Bellydance if there is no method? Do you set up choreographies only? How can you teach the steps? Do the steps have names? Are you Egyptian? Are you Arabic? If you’re not Arabic, how can you Bellydance? Shakira said that she’s Lebanese, and that’s why she can dance it…¨

    Those were common questions and comments made by people who were intrigued by this art form. To teach a Mexican how to do hip circles was easy—as well as how to manage a veil—because of our skirting technique in Mexican folk dancing. However, it’s different teaching a Mexican an undulation, hip shimmy, hip drop or hip twist. That was really a challenge, since our dancing styles don’t involve much movement of the waist. It was like having the hips stuck to the shoulders with no flexibility at the lower back and very stiff waists. We structured the classes for the student to achieve the above movements slowly, as well as giving them the confidence and flexibility that a Bellydancer needs to be able to dance with the Oriental music pieces.

    Another issue I faced back then was obtaining musical arrangements. I remember instructing class with 2 CDs and a mix tape of George Abdo’s music that I had made with my vinyl LPs. One of the CDs was a compilation (a student’s gift to me) and the other one, I treasured because I bought it directly from the artist in a dance workshop that I attended in 1994.

    In an interview with Bellydance-master, Maria Shazadi, one of the first Bellydance teachers in our country, I asked her about Bellydance classes 10 years ago. She explained how simple they were back then compared to today’s classes: ¨They are now full of rhythms and technique, basic steps, combinations and choreography. Today, of course, you get to have groups of different levels¨; back then, you only had one type of student—the absolute beginner. Today you have [the range of] the confident student to the ‘I-want-to-be-a-Bellydance-teacher-fast’ student as well as the ‘I-still-love-Shakira’ student, the ‘I-want-to-try-something-different’ dancer, the ‘in-style’ student, and the well informed student.”

    Niral Alvarez Basave was one of the first Bellydancers from Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico, founder of IMCADH (Instituto Mexicano de Cultura Arte y Desarrollo Humano Associacion Civil) [English: Institute of Mexico of Culture Art and Human Development Civic Asociation] and creator of Bellydance Night Festival where Bellydancers from all of Latin America united for days full of workshops with international instructors and performers. In December 2008, she defined Bellydance as the spiritual part of Oriental Dance. She describes it as the best form of expression for a dancer, teacher and choreographer. Niral received instruction with Brazilian dancer “Amaniksha” (Juliana Berganholi). Oriental dance and Bhangra were mingled together in a dance style called “Samkya”, which is based in gaining spiritual connections with the woman’s conscience through movement and artistic expression.

    Mudras, choreographys, reflexology, aromatherapy, veil technique, meditation and mantras are the foundations of Niral´s education. Samkya leads to an artistic and pure representation of the art through the years and can educate generations of Bellydancers (who are distinguished for their passion to the dance and for their knowledge of folk, cabaret, and sisterhood) by maintaining through the dance love and respect to their teachers throughout the years.

    ¨For me, to Bellydance is to feel the music, to move a feeling…¨ (Hadassah, Jessica Vazquez from La Paz Baja California Sur, Mexico)

    A new generation of teachers has evolved in the past 5 years here in Mexico. We have many girls who have attended a class here and there, danced along in a workshop, love YouTube, know the Bellydance Superstars choreographies by heart and teach just as Veena and Neena do in their videos. Many of them admit they have never had a formal education in Bellydance at all and have created their own special styles of Bellydance.

    Sometimes, this makes Mexican Bellydancers look bad. Their students, mis-informed and misguided dancers, make soups out of different choreographies they’ve watched either on YouTube or downloaded from the Web (which is, by the way, somewhat legal in Mexico). They lift a combination from one dancer’s performance and paste it over another song, mixed with another dancer’s copy and paste combination, resulting in a disaster.

    Fortunately though, there’s the award winning, dedicated, new generation of Bellydancers who have received awards in Bellydance contests like Maryam from Tijuana who won 1st place in Little Egypt´s Queen of Raks Sharqi 2008 Pageant. At this same contest in Dallas, Texas, Judge Randa Kamal commented after Mexican Bellydancer Maryam´s performance: “Great performance!” and Dr. Mo (also a judge) said to her, personally, “You are lovely!” “To have two of the greatest Bellydance masters of the world commenting on a Mexican doing their dance style: that’s the best reward you can receive!” Maryam commented in an August 2008, interview.

    Students, comprising a new generation who is only interested in becoming a performer, have popped up in the past 2 years. These dancers have more knowledge and respect for the dance styles and invest whatever it takes to gain presence on-stage. It’s a new generation of Bellydancers who attend every workshop and seminar around, who not only use the Internet as reference but also respect their teacher’s knowledge, from Cabaret style to Tribal Fusion. Dancers take the stage in the few places located in the Mexican states like Al Khaima, a Moroccan restaurant in Guadalajara, Jalisco, which dedicates Saturdays to Tribal Fusion Bellydance. This is where performers like Araceli de Anda, one of the first (and few) Bellydance Tribal Fusion performers in the city, take the stage.

    Hannali and Amduat, Tribal Fusion performers from Cd.Obregon in Sonora, Mexico, formally introduced Bellydance to this state. They are teachers taught by the Maktub Studio of Shamsia Yarahum in Tijuana, B.C.

    Manisha from Merida, Yucatan, studied with the first generation of Bellydance students in the city of Tijuana with Bahira, a Bellydancer from San Diego California. Bahira traveled into Mexico weekly to teach Bellydancers in a small group, who, after years of preparation and dedication, have manage to inspire many new generations.

    Since 1992, many of us dance teachers have overcome numerous obstacles, taught several generations, and managed to handle varied situations presented by our culture while teaching and performing. We have dealt with the fact that we are not Egyptian or Arabian and that we were not born Bellydancing. Maybe we haven’t lived in Egypt, but have never feared what would happen when an Egyptian or an Arabian sees us Mexican Bellydancers perform. Perhaps the excellent instructors we have in nearby countries have given us strong foundations in Oriental Dance and given us confidence. Maybe it’s our Rumbera dancers from Mexico´s golden era of dancers in films or maybe, as my first Bellydance instructor complimented me on my achievements in my first class, “You Mexicans give flavor to Bellydance!”

    Historia del Bellydance en Mexico

    Gilded Serpent presents...

    Its All in the Flavor!

    Bellydancing in Mexico

    by Martha Duran
    posted March 2009

    Don Diaz
    mexican Folkloric

    Mexico – a place full of cultural treasures, a place full of magic and charm. You feel this as you walk along the streets of Mexico, admire its world heritage sites, and marvel at the impressive architecture. You can dance along its pre-Hispanic and colonial past.

    So when did Mexicans started dancing something other than our own dances?

    Dance in Mexico is the most direct and loyal expression of the evolution of our country. Don Porfirio Diaz who was president in 1877, promised to establish a pure and rich Mexican culture. In 1910, there was a social explosion turning our society, military, and commerce into a spectacle and producing legends out of our governors. As a result, our ceremonies, parades, restaurants, and of course, our dancing was transformed, thanks to the foreign elements the time of change introduced to our country. We imported operas but adapted them to our popular songs and languages—injected with our spontaneous humor and lively music and dance.

    While dance is considered one of our ancestral practices, it wasn’t until the 1940s that dance formally incorporated dance techniques developed in foreign countries. From Mazurkas to Ballroom dances, our dance styles were enriched with multicultural styles without sacrificing our folkloric heritage.

    Musicians and muralists influenced and inspired choreographers of the 1920s with the fashionable elements of that time. From the 1930s to the ‘40s, Mexicans rejected Classical dance because of its poor relationship to our national spirit. Between the ‘40s and ‘50s, Folk dancing was performed in stadiums where hundreds of ladies performed with ruffled skirts decorated with luxurious braiding.

    Through art, the people of Mexico learned about their economic situation, their ancestral oppression and what they could do to change their situation.

    Aguilar& Valdes
    Amalia Aguilar & Germán Valdés in 1949

    Through the years, soloists like Nellie Campobello, Gloria Campobello, Dora Duby and dancer Xenia Zarina, performed Experimental Ballet and Modern Dance. Xenia Zarina performed Interpretative Dance and Oriental Dance for the first time in Mexico. March of 1936 marked the introduction of Oriental Dance into Mexico; ever multicultural, it was very common to see versatile dancers on television, in the movies, and on stages across the country.

    As a Bellydancer for more than 29 years, I reach back in history and remember my first taste of Bellydancing on national and international television. I remember watching movies on local channels such as ¨1001 Nights¨ featuring German Valdes, ¨Tin Tan¨, and Maria Antonieta, with simple Bellydancing and beautiful costuming.

    On the ABC network, a Three’s Company episode ¨Good Old Reliable Janet ¨ featured Nadia Caillou as a special guest performer in a restaurant scene (episode 2, season 3) aired on September 19,1978. I blame her for my love of Bellydance! The way she twirled around the tables, the sound of her cymbals, her simple and intricate movements made me long to do the same.

    Xenia Zarina
    Maria Shazadi
    Maria Shazadi

    There were absolutely no Bellydance classes around my hometown! My mom remembers bumping into a Bellydancer in the early ‘80s up north, in Los Angeles, when visiting my aunt’s house for the summer, where she signed me up for my dance classes. Back home, I had started in Ballet and Tap Dance, and I remember clearly the joy of my first Bellydancing class—the jingling of my teacher’s hip scarf, and the most exciting music I have ever heard filling the room with drum beats. There was enough space to visualize myself as that beautiful dancer with a flowing red and black skirt I had seen on television.


    Years went by and I continued visiting my aunt and uncle’s homes for long, dance-filled summer vacations. I couldn’t get Oriental classes here in Mexico; so I had to go to the United States. Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Indio (all in California) were among the cities that gave me the opportunity to experience Bellydancing with some of today’s renowned Bellydance teachers.

    When did the Bellydance boom hit our country? It was back in 1992 when children in Mexico fell in love with Disney’s animated movie, “Aladdin”. I participated as a choreographer for a local elementary school; our rehearsals started in 1993, and the show was presented onstage in Mexicali, Baja California, months later. After that, we formed a small Oriental dance group with children between 6 and 9 years of age. Classes took place at an art center; well, perhaps it was more of an extra room in a piano teacher’s expansive home. Children kept coming and going, but officially, they were learning about Bellydance and its culture at a glance. Some parents were familiar with the dance style because of the pop music legends of the ‘80s and ‘90s—like Madonna, Michael Jackson and The Bangles who used a interpretation of Pharonic Egyptian dance.

    In 1998, Bellydancers who danced like Shakira became as popular as dancers of any other dance form. Classrooms were full to their maximum capacities, and waiting lists grew for selected schools that offered Bellydance classes in Mexico, from Mexicali in Baja California to Mexico City.

    There were no more than 5 Bellydance teachers in the country teaching Middle Eastern dance. Among them were: Maria Shazadi, Marla de La Vega, Niral, Samirah Vazquez, and me, Martha Duran.

    Those were tough times for us teachers. Students were very shy in the classroom but eager to learn; some of them even thought that Shakira had created Bellydance! They didn’t have much information about Oriental Dance, its origins, or different styles. Some aspiring dancers even sat through several classes just to check out what Bellydance was or if we teachers danced it as well as Shakira.

    On several occasions, I remember having teachers from other schools visit my classes to analyze the structure of the class. They asked: “How can you teach Bellydance if there is no method? Do you set up choreographies only? How can you teach the steps? Do the steps have names? Are you Egyptian? Are you Arabic? If you’re not Arabic, how can you Bellydance? Shakira said that she’s Lebanese, and that’s why she can dance it…¨

    Those were common questions and comments made by people who were intrigued by this art form. To teach a Mexican how to do hip circles was easy—as well as how to manage a veil—because of our skirting technique in Mexican folk dancing. However, it’s different teaching a Mexican an undulation, hip shimmy, hip drop or hip twist. That was really a challenge, since our dancing styles don’t involve much movement of the waist. It was like having the hips stuck to the shoulders with no flexibility at the lower back and very stiff waists. We structured the classes for the student to achieve the above movements slowly, as well as giving them the confidence and flexibility that a Bellydancer needs to be able to dance with the Oriental music pieces.

    Another issue I faced back then was obtaining musical arrangements. I remember instructing class with 2 CDs and a mix tape of George Abdo’s music that I had made with my vinyl LPs. One of the CDs was a compilation (a student’s gift to me) and the other one, I treasured because I bought it directly from the artist in a dance workshop that I attended in 1994.

    In an interview with Bellydance-master, Maria Shazadi, one of the first Bellydance teachers in our country, I asked her about Bellydance classes 10 years ago. She explained how simple they were back then compared to today’s classes: ¨They are now full of rhythms and technique, basic steps, combinations and choreography. Today, of course, you get to have groups of different levels¨; back then, you only had one type of student—the absolute beginner. Today you have [the range of] the confident student to the ‘I-want-to-be-a-Bellydance-teacher-fast’ student as well as the ‘I-still-love-Shakira’ student, the ‘I-want-to-try-something-different’ dancer, the ‘in-style’ student, and the well informed student.”

    twins on TV

    Araceli de Anda of Guadalajara

    Niral Alvarez Basave was one of the first Bellydancers from Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico, founder of IMCADH (Instituto Mexicano de Cultura Arte y Desarrollo Humano Associacion Civil) [English: Institute of Mexico of Culture Art and Human Development Civic Asociation] and creator of Bellydance Night Festival where Bellydancers from all of Latin America united for days full of workshops with international instructors and performers. In December 2008, she defined Bellydance as the spiritual part of Oriental Dance. She describes it as the best form of expression for a dancer, teacher and choreographer. Niral received instruction with Brazilian dancer “Amaniksha” (Juliana Berganholi). Oriental dance and Bhangra were mingled together in a dance style called “Samkya”, which is based in gaining spiritual connections with the woman’s conscience through movement and artistic expression.

    Mudras, choreographys, reflexology, aromatherapy, veil technique, meditation and mantras are the foundations of Niral´s education. Samkya leads to an artistic and pure representation of the art through the years and can educate generations of Bellydancers (who are distinguished for their passion to the dance and for their knowledge of folk, cabaret, and sisterhood) by maintaining through the dance love and respect to their teachers throughout the years.

    ¨For me, to Bellydance is to feel the music, to move a feeling…¨ (Hadassah, Jessica Vazquez from La Paz Baja California Sur, Mexico)

    A new generation of teachers has evolved in the past 5 years here in Mexico. We have many girls who have attended a class here and there, danced along in a workshop, love YouTube, know the Bellydance Superstars choreographies by heart and teach just as Veena and Neena do in their videos. Many of them admit they have never had a formal education in Bellydance at all and have created their own special styles of Bellydance.

    Sometimes, this makes Mexican Bellydancers look bad. Their students, mis-informed and misguided dancers, make soups out of different choreographies they’ve watched either on YouTube or downloaded from the Web (which is, by the way, somewhat legal in Mexico). They lift a combination from one dancer’s performance and paste it over another song, mixed with another dancer’s copy and paste combination, resulting in a disaster.

    Fortunately though, there’s the award winning, dedicated, new generation of Bellydancers who have received awards in Bellydance contests like Maryam from Tijuana who won 1st place in Little Egypt´s Queen of Raks Sharqi 2008 Pageant. At this same contest in Dallas, Texas, Judge Randa Kamal commented after Mexican Bellydancer Maryam´s performance: “Great performance!” and Dr. Mo (also a judge) said to her, personally, “You are lovely!” “To have two of the greatest Bellydance masters of the world commenting on a Mexican doing their dance style: that’s the best reward you can receive!” Maryam commented in an August 2008, interview.

    Students, comprising a new generation who is only interested in becoming a performer, have popped up in the past 2 years. These dancers have more knowledge and respect for the dance styles and invest whatever it takes to gain presence on-stage. It’s a new generation of Bellydancers who attend every workshop and seminar around, who not only use the Internet as reference but also respect their teacher’s knowledge, from Cabaret style to Tribal Fusion. Dancers take the stage in the few places located in the Mexican states like Al Khaima, a Moroccan restaurant in Guadalajara, Jalisco, which dedicates Saturdays to Tribal Fusion Bellydance. This is where performers like Araceli de Anda, one of the first (and few) Bellydance Tribal Fusion performers in the city, take the stage.

    Hannali and Amduat, Tribal Fusion performers from Cd.Obregon in Sonora, Mexico, formally introduced Bellydance to this state. They are teachers taught by the Maktub Studio of Shamsia Yarahum in Tijuana, B.C.

    Manisha from Merida, Yucatan, studied with the first generation of Bellydance students in the city of Tijuana with Bahira, a Bellydancer from San Diego California. Bahira traveled into Mexico weekly to teach Bellydancers in a small group, who, after years of preparation and dedication, have manage to inspire many new generations.

    Since 1992, many of us dance teachers have overcome numerous obstacles, taught several generations, and managed to handle varied situations presented by our culture while teaching and performing. We have dealt with the fact that we are not Egyptian or Arabian and that we were not born Bellydancing. Maybe we haven’t lived in Egypt, but have never feared what would happen when an Egyptian or an Arabian sees us Mexican Bellydancers perform. Perhaps the excellent instructors we have in nearby countries have given us strong foundations in Oriental Dance and given us confidence. Maybe it’s our Rumbera dancers from Mexico´s golden era of dancers in films or maybe, as my first Bellydance instructor complimented me on my achievements in my first class, “You Mexicans give flavor to Bellydance!”

    Author's Troupe - "Bellydanceme"